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Brew Times and Temperature

Brew Time and Temperature of KitchenAid Coffee Maker


Brew Times

  • Regular KitchenAid® coffee makers brew a full pot in 9-11 minutes.
  • The personal-size coffee maker takes approximately 4-1/2 minutes.
  • If your coffee maker has a BOLD setting, it will take slightly longer to brew if you select it.

If your coffee maker is taking longer to brew than usual at your desired setting, it is possible that it needs to be descaled.

CLICK HERE for instructions on how to descale your coffee maker.

The following video contains some additional information about descaling your coffee maker:

Brew Temperatures

The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) states that the average brew temperature of the water leaving the shower head should be:

  • 197.6°F - 204.8°F 
  • 92°C - 96°C

KitchenAid® coffee makers fall within that range and produce a nice, hot cup of coffee.

NOTE: The temperature of the coffee coming out of the brew basket will be an average of around 192°F (89°C).

  • The temperature will be lower at the beginning of the brew cycle as the water brings the coffee grounds and brew basket insert up to temperature.
  • This temperature will also be lower, the higher the elevation of the user, due to the reduction in the boiling point of water.
  • For the Siphon Brewer, the temperature is 185°F - 190°F when the coffee starts to siphon back down the tube (when agitation is complete).  

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