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Product Help | KitchenAid

Descaling the Nespresso Machine

Descaling the Nespresso Machine

Calcium deposits (“scale”) from the water will build up in the Nespresso Machine over time and impair espresso quality. The scale should be removed every month; local hard-water conditions may require more frequent descalings. For better results, use the Nespresso brand packaged descaling agent available online to remove scale. KitchenAid® does not recommend using home remedies or water and vinegar solutions to descale the Nespresso Machine.

  1. Add two descaling agent packets to the tank per package directions, then fill the water tank with water to the “max” fill line. Replace tank on the Nespresso machine.

  1. Place an empty container (at least 1.5 L) under the coffee outlet.

  1. Enter descaling mode by turning the brew button to the leftmost position and holding it for 6 seconds until the light starts to blink.

  1. Then rotate the selection dial until the blinking light is above the first right position.

  1. Press the brew button to start descaling and run until the water tank is empty.

  1. Fill the water tank with water to the “max” fill line a second time and repeat the cycle with water only to rinse. The Espresso Machine will automatically proceed to the ready mode when finished.


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