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Product Help | KitchenAid

Water Under Nespresso Machine or Nespresso Leaking

Possible Solution

Is the water tank leaking on its own?

Filling the tank with water and setting it aside will help to determine if the tank leaks. Refer the customer to KitchenAid for a new water tank if needed.

Is the water tank properly positioned?

It may be leaking from the connector if poorly positioned. Reposition the tank.

Is the drip tray full or overflowing?

If yes, then empty the drip tray.

Is the drip tray cracked or damaged?

Fill the drip tray with water and set it aside to determine if there is damage. If damaged, refer the customer to KitchenAid for a replacement.

Is the drip tray pushed all the way in?

If not, the backflow will miss the drip tray and end up on the countertop. Push the drip tray all the way in.

Does the leak occur during brewing, or does it leak when not in use?

If the water on the countertop is warm or hot, it probably leaks while brewing. Empty the drip tray thoroughly and dry off the entire countertop and machine. Conduct some testing by just running water through the machine.


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