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Product Help | KitchenAid

Espresso Machine Winter Storage

Winter Storage Care

IMPORTANT: To avoid damage, use and store your Espresso Machine where it will not freeze. Because some water remains inside the unit, freezing can damage the product. If storing or moving during freezing weather, purge your Espresso Machine.

To purge the Espresso Machine, ensure Steam Wand is attached, and Water Tank is at least half full. 

  1. Place a cup under the Steam Wand nozzle.
  2. Turn the Espresso Machine On, toggle the Mode Button to Steam. Press the playstop button_semiautomatic espresso.JPG button. Once steam exits the Steam Wand for approximately 10 seconds, remove Water Tank and allow the remaining water in the machine to exit through the Steam Wand.
  3. The purging cycle will be complete once Espresso Machine stops and the Water mode will blink.
  4. Turn the Main power On/Off (-) button to Off. Empty and re-install Water Tank. Then, unplug the Espresso Machine.


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