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Product Help | KitchenAid

How to Use the Food Processor Attachment

Using the Food Processor Attachment for KitchenAid Food Processor

  1. Place the interlocking lid on the attachment assembly, making sure to click the lock into place. Turn on the Stand Mixer to the appropriate speed. 

Using Food Proc Attch 1.png

  1. Use the food pusher to feed items into the attachment assembly slowly.

Using Food Proc Attch 2.png

Using the 2-in-1 food pusher

The 2-in-1 food pusher features a smaller chute inside of a larger food pusher. Use the small feed tube and pusher to process small or slender items, like single carrots or celery stalks.

Using Food Proc Attch 3.png

To slice or shred small items, insert the 2-piece food pusher into the feed tube so that the smaller chute is oriented as shown. Place food items in the smaller chute and use the small food pusher to process.   

Using Food Proc Attch 4.png

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