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Juicing Tips - Juice and Sauce Attachment

Juicing Tips When Using the KitchenAid Juice and Sauce Attachment 

Food prep


  • Thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables, ensuring they are free of soil, leaves, and stems. Small leaves, such as on strawberries, do not have to be removed.
  • Large seeds or pits must be removed before juicing to avoid damage to the auger or baskets. This includes nectarines, peaches, mangoes, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.
  •  Always peel fruits with hard or inedible skins. Examples include mangoes, citrus fruits, melons, and pineapples. Some vegetables, such as cucumbers or yellow squash, do not have to be peeled first, depending on the softness of the skin and recipe requirements. Leaving the peels on will change the color and flavor of the finished juices.
  • For optimal performance, always use fresh fruits and vegetables.

Don't Do

  • Juice frozen fruits or vegetables to avoid damaging the juicer.
  • Juice bananas.

While Juicing

  • For optimum results, insert one piece of food at a time.
  • Slowly feed items into the juicer bowl using the feed tube pusher.

KVJ0111 berries in hopper.jpg

  • When juicing celery with other fruits/vegetables, it is recommended to interchange it with other items to prevent pulp build-up inside the juice bowl.
  • When juicing leafy greens like spinach and kale, it is recommended to juice with a combination of watery or fibrous fruits and vegetables to help with juice flow and to increase juice yield.

Pulp chute position

The pulp chute controls how much fibrous material or pulp exits through the juice chute. Pulling the pulp chute out closes the chute, increasing the amount of pulp and fiber for your sauce recipes. Pushing the pulp chute in opens the chute, reducing the amount of pulp for your juice recipes.

  • For juicing: push the pulp chute "in" to open. Used with high or low pulp screens.
  • For sauces and jams: pull the pulp chute "out" to close

Clearing a Jam

  • Pulp may build up on the screen and auger assembly and cause a jam.
  • Clear the buildup by moving the power lever to OFF and then REV.

Extracting the maximum amount of juice

Run the Juicer Attachment for 1-2 minutes after the last piece of food is inserted to ensure the maximum amount of juice is extracted.

What to do with the pulp

The saved pulp can be used for other recipes, as compost for your garden, or discarded.

Juicer bags

We do not recommend using juicing bags, as it impairs the juicing process and will cause the juice to leak from the juicer. The juicer and pulp containers are very easy to clean.