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Processing Cucumbers and Zucchini - Vegetable Sheet Cutter

Processing Cucumbers and Zucchini - KitchenAid Vegetable Sheet Cutter

  1. Rotate lever clockwise to the locked position.
  2. Cut cucumber or zucchini to a maximum length of 4.5" (11.4 cm). The first mark on the food skewer is 4.5"(11.4 cm) from the round skewer base.
  3. Insert the food holder into one end, then the zucchini/cucumber adapter into the other, using the markings to align both holder and adapter. Make sure the food holder and adapter are centered.
  4. Place the food and food holder onto the main body and twist clockwise to lock into place.

veg 3.png

  1. Insert the food skewer into the skewer support on the attachment, making sure it goes all the way through the vegetable. Make sure there is no gap between the skewer knob and the skewer support on the main body.

veg 5.png

  1. Insert the desired blade into the blade carrier at a 45-degree angle to allow proper alignment with the attachment main body. Allow the blade cover to rest on the food.
  2. Turn the Stand Mixer on to Stir speed. For best results, start the Stand Mixer before releasing the blade into the food.

start 1.png

  1. Pull toward Stand Mixer and lift up on the blade release lever to unlock the blade carrier and rotate the blade carrier slowly until it comes into contact with the food before letting go.
  2. Once the food stops processing, turn off the Stand Mixer.

Start 2.png


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