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Product Help | KitchenAid

Sour Tasting Espresso

Possible Solution

Why does my espresso have a sour taste?

Sour-tasting espresso is usually a result of under-extraction or channeling. Channeling or under-extraction occurs when the water finds a weak point in the coffee puck and flows too quickly through the grinds. Try the following: 

  • Try grinding the beans at a finer level. This will increase the coffee's surface area, making it easier for the water to extract the flavor compounds. 
  • Review your tamping technique. Use a slightly firmer tamp, between 15-20 kg or 30-40 lb of force. When you tamp the ground coffee, you need to do it firmly and uniformly for the best results, creating a bed of coffee with an even density. This allows the water to flow evenly through. The portafilter on our Espresso machine has a unique flat base, which promotes a level tamp and minimizes water channeling.

Was water purged before pulling? 

Temperature is vital for consistent extraction. Just a couple of degrees difference can under-extract your espresso, leading to a sour taste. Flushing the grouphead before pulling a shot will ensure the machine components are at the proper temperature.

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