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Induction Compatible Cookware

KitchenAid Induction Cookware

Pan size, material, and positioning are essential to achieve maximum wattage. Ideal cookware should have a flat bottom, straight sides, and a well-fitting lid, and the material should be of medium-to-heavy thickness. Pans with rough finishes may scratch the cooktop

Induction Cookware Material

All KitchenAid® cookware manufactured after 2013 is induction capable. How do you tell if yours is induction-compatible? Magnetic cookware bases are induction-compatible. Take a magnet and apply it to the cookware base; if the magnet sticks, then your cookware is compatible with induction cookware. Magnetic bases are key for induction cooktops to conduct heat to the cookware. 

Induction Cookware Size

Choose the correct pan size for each surface cooking area. The diameter of the pan’s base should be equal to the size of the surface cooking area. If the pan is too small, the surface cooking area does not sense the pan and will not activate. Cookware manufacturers often give the diameter across the top of the pan. This is usually larger than the diameter of the base

Contact Support for KitchenAid Cookware

Meyer Corporation, U.S. is responsible for the production, distribution, and service of KitchenAid® cookware.  The following link to Meyer’s support portal for KitchenAid® provides all support needs. Meyer’s support team is available Monday through Friday, from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm PT, excluding holidays. 

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